Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Well Les Miserables came & went, the wife loved it and that is all that matters in the end, I guess. 2700 souls filled the P&G hall and enjoyed the show too.

We are off to see Chess next in the smaller Jarson – Kaplan theatre which reminds me of my former stomping grounds in the Theatre Royal back home in Wexford. Indeed It is being produced by Cincinnati Music theatre which is akin I imagine to an old friend of mine, Wexford Light Opera Society.

Working backstage there was great fun and “Chess” was one of the shows, the W.L.O.S. produced some years ago (I think 1996). I saw the original show about 1990 in the Point Depot in Dublin and it was a wonderful production, great score & story by Bjorn Ullvaeus & Benny Andersen, brilliant lyrics by Tim Rice.

I just hope the version in Cincinnati is the concept version that I write of above and not the terrible crap that was rewritten for Broadway.

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