Thursday, January 11, 2007

Why I blog!

I blog because I like to. There is great therapy and great fun in remembering times past, times now & times to come. Hopes & aspirations for the future, regrets of missed opportunities - they all even out in the end and as we get older, we do get wiser particularly if we apply those life lessons to our present. In so doing, if I can make a reader reflect or smile when reading this blog, I am a very happy person.

Bannow Bay, Co. Wexford, sept 1999.

More importantly, I have a little son who is growing up far from his father's home and this is really for his benefit. "To understand one is to know one" and I hope that in the years to come, he & his family will be able to read this and know their heritage. In other words to be aware of the spring from which their river of life within, was born. Thanks for reading!

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