Wednesday, June 21, 2006


A few days ago, someone at work sniped “what have you achieved in your life?” or words to that effect.

It rolled me back on my ankles, I must admit and I replied, “A two and a half year old child”. Looking back on that statement, it was from the heart and if ever there was truth in something, it was that.

We are living history, our children are our footprints in time, without them – we cease to exist.

Nothing I have done to this point can compare to the birth of my son. I am so thankful to have him & my family in my life.

It is 8.10am on Midsummer’s day and It is as black as night. Overhead, a storm rages. Sheet lightning, hail, driving rain, the works. My grandmother often said, it was “God moving the furniture” when I asked as a frightened child what thunder was? It appears that God is rolling a Grand Piano across the Living room as I type.

The thunder explodes around our little home, shaking it like a toy, time to disappear, but not yet!

8.43 am, the storm is passing…..morning is peeking out. The birds outside are joining in a chorus of morningsong. God has a way of showing us how to carry on in the midst of a storm. Hold firm, endure, keep the faith – all storms are but a moment & pass on.

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